New Office Location
Innervision Christian Counseling, P.L.C.
37677 Professional Center Drive
STE# 135
Livonia Mi 48154
Hours by Appointment
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Noon-7:00 pm
Current research at Columbia University is focusing on the genetic
link in panic disorder. Studies have shown if a close relative
suffers from panic disorder, then an individual is five times
more likely to experience panic.
Millions of people suffer with the sudden onset of fear, increased
heart rate, trembling, dizziness, racing thoughts, rapid speech,
nausea, extreme sweating, and hyperventilation. Sometimes these
symptoms will become so intense that the person ends up going to
the ER for a medical evaluation. After hearing that there is no
medical concern the person will often feel foolish and frustrated.
We have worked with individuals struggling with anxiety and panic
for over twenty years. With a focus on self-talk, core beliefs,
assertiveness, self-care and stress reduction, We have seen many
positive results.
If you are struggling with anxiety, panic or unreasonable fears
call (734) 454-0155 today. It is time to begin a healing process
for your self.

Celeste Sue Benskey, M.A.
Founder and Director
B.S. Education and Social Sciences
M.A. Clinical Psychology
Licensed Christian counselor
Over 30 years experience
Certified Christian Life Coach
Former radio host: Saturdays with Celeste WMUZ 103.5 Detroit
Mornings with Celeste KJSL 630 am St. Louis
(734) 454-0155